Can You Foster a Large Dog? We Need You!

| August 2, 2024

Foster homes are essential for offering temporary, loving environments where animals can thrive and eventually find their forever homes. We have a fantastic group of dedicated foster parents who make a significant impact on animals’ lives. However, we are currently in urgent need of foster homes specifically for large dogs. 

Why Foster Homes Matter

Fostering large dogs is essential for a few reasons: 

Stress Relief: The shelter environment can be stressful for large dogs, leading to anxiety and behavioural issues. A foster home provides a calm and nurturing space where these dogs can relax and show their true personalities. 

Individualized Attention: Foster families offer one-on-one care that large dogs might not receive in a busy shelter. This attention helps with socialization, training, and addressing any special needs. 

Adoptability: Foster homes provide valuable insights into a dog’s behaviours and preferences, making it easier to match them with the right forever home. Potential adopters can learn about the dog’s habits and temperament from someone who knows them well. 

How to Become a Foster Parent

Becoming a foster parent for a large dog is a fulfilling way to make a significant impact. Here’s how you can get started: 

  1. Application Process: Visit our Foster Parent webpage and fill out the Foster Parent Interest form.   
  2. Attend a Virtual Orientation Session: Once the Foster Parent application is accepted, new Foster Parents will be invited to attend a mandatory virtual Volunteer Orientation – these are about 2 hours in length and offered frequently throughout the year. During the session you will learn more about Toronto Humane Society and the role of a volunteer.  
  3. Complete Training: Prospective Foster Parents will be required to complete online training modules covering both the foster program in its entirety, as well as the care requirements of specific animal species/ages. At end of training, you will have the opportunity to speak with one of our foster specialists prior to their first experience. Asking questions is encouraged! 
  4. Get Your Foster: Our Foster Department provides an online dashboard of animals in need of foster homes. Once you’re enrolled and have completed your training, you’ll gain access to this board, allowing you to foster a large dog whenever you are available.